Plants for a green sustainable  future

Plants for a green sustainable  future

The Norwegian Ambassador

The Norwegian Embassy in Antananarivo was closed in 2011.  Prior to that, we had many enjoyable and useful meetings with the Norwegian Ambassador to Madagascar, Mr. Dag Nissen. Our tradition of letting various partners, guests and official representatives plant trees was of course also on the schedule when mr. Nissen attended the opening of one of the planting seasons.

Women at work

Over the years we have employed up to 600 local workers during the planting season. A large proportion of these have been women. We often highlight building schools as the very core of our holistic approach towards sustainable, enlightened and future-oriented societies, however the employment of women is also an essential element in Mada Consult's concept.

Mrs. Mialy Rajoelina

In 2011, we were honored to have Mrs. Mialy Rajoelina, wife of President Andry Rajoelina, attending the opening of the new school we built in Mampikony. After a visit in our local office, we headed for the plant fields where Mrs. Rajoelina was given a brief introduction to different tree species by Mada Consult technician Mamy. Finally, we went to one of our nurseries where Mrs. Rajoelina planted a handful of seeds. These seeds can be seen today as large trees in the nearby Mada Consult forest. 

Mrs Rajoelina stated that both she and the government were very satisifed with the Mada Consult achievements in Mampikony, both with regards to the forest projects and the CDPs, and looked forward to a productive future relationship.
Schools and forests

After building 6 schools in our areas of operation, we are even more confident in our strategy towards a green sustainable future for Madagascar. Educating the children is a vital link to preserve the future forests that we work to grow every year. We often say that the schools take care of the forests, and the forests take care of the schools. This is a symbiosis we intend to cultivate further as we continue to develop our projects in Madagascar.

The above thesis is strongly supported also by the Malagasy government. Several Ministers of Education and Ministers of Environment and Development have attended official openings of our schools and plant seasons.
Environment warrior from Norway

Environment warrior Kurt Oddekalv from Norges Miljøvernforbund (Green Warriors of Norway) visited Madagascar and Mada Consult in October of 2012. Oddekalv, who was internationally renowned for his many years of environmental warfare, was here to perform a critical survey of the Mada Consult forest projects.

Oddekalv was extremely impressed with the Mada Consult achievements and methods, and produced a report where he strongly recommended supporting us and our work.

Sadly, Oddekalv passed away in an accident in Norway in January of 2021. A substantial loss to many, and to all environment warriors of the world. Mada Consult will honor Kurt´s memory by continuing our hard work towards making Madagascar green again.

The pages of Norges Miljøvernforbund HERE
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